

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Child of The One True King

I’ve always tried to start at the beginning. And then I never get very far. And it ends up shoved in the back of a filing cabinet somewhere. Or crumpled into the trash can. Pain stops me. Protection for others stops me. Not having all the answers stops me. Not being able to tell the whole story stops me. Always something stops me. It’s my story, but I feel like it isn’t my story to tell. Sometimes that feels like insult added to injury, right there.

So on what may be failed attempt 16,849, I’m just going to start in the middle, or the end, or midway through the mid to the end. I’m just going to start right where I am, right now. But part of that is telling a little bit of how I got to where I am – but not the whole enchilada.

I had a bad episode about a year ago. I could say it was exactly a year ago – only because it lasted for at least three months, and I’m within that three month span. Chronologically speaking. In my desperate attempt to get out of it, I contacted a gal who was quite a bit younger than me, who had walked through a similar situation, but seemed a whole lot more adept at handling the situation than I was. And I mean a whole lot – she would just throw it out there, off the cuff, to pretty much strangers without even flinching her face in a hold back a single tear grimace. Which is how I knew we had a similar history. We had coffee. I asked her how she came to such a peace with her story, and she told me she read this book called A Wounded Heart. I thought about it for a couple of weeks, and then I ordered it on Amazon. I remember looking at it like hot coals when it arrived. I didn’t open it right away.

At first reading it was amazingly eye-opening. I could not put it down.  I saw my story splashed all over the pages. Not every page, not every paragraph, but thoughts and events and ideas that I had never seen written on paper. At least not paper that I didn’t bury in a filing cabinet or crumple and throw in the trash. I read it slowly. It was exceedingly thought provoking and even painful, but the validation was worth the effort. I read about a chapter a month maybe. Maybe sometimes two chapters. Maybe sometimes a chapter in six weeks.

In April I went on a women’s retreat with my church and I read a chapter near the middle of the book that sent me into a tail spin. I don’t want to talk about the tailspin right now. It’s 8 months later, and in this past week I finally read the next chapter after the tailspin chapter. After rereading the tailspin chapter last week. I may have reread it twice since April. I’m like a moth to a flame. A very slow moth to the flame.

Hopefully that’s just enough information to bring you at least somewhat with me into my present. If not, tough boogers. That’s all you’re going to get right now.

To me what this new chapter was about was contempt, but that’s not what it was about per se. If you know me, the suitably-dressed-to-go-outside-and-play-with-others me, you would never guess that I am overflowing with self-contempt. What I present is a woman who is self-confident and has her shit together. I almost always have a huge smile on my face. And that isn’t fake! I don’t want to say I’m presenting a false me or anything, I generally do live in an aura of joy, and even when the waters are murky, I find humor somewhere, under some rock. But when you peel back the onion and you get down to the core, behind closed doors, alone and in the darkness, there’s a deep, perhaps bottomless, pool of self-contempt. I’m not saying this so that anyone can fix it for me. Or assuage me. Or God forbid feel sorry for me (that’s horrific to me). I’m just stating a fact: it’s there. And it’s something I wrestle with, some days more than others. It’s something I’m trying to call by name.

I even have my own Psalm David wrote me, just for that. But I digress.

Anyway, this chapter started out by saying that….. You know what? I have a hard time even saying “victims of abuse” because I feel like I’m pulling a sympathy card that may or may not be true and slamming it out on the table so that everyone feels sorry for me. I feel like that describes someone else, not me. And by even insinuating that it might be me, I’m a drama queen. Which is also something I try to work through. My logic proves (or at least Ellen’s logic proves) I am not a drama queen. But I still have this harness that holds me back. Let’s try this paragraph again….

Anyway, this chapter started out by saying that Victims of Abuse behave in relationship one of three general ways (or really some mix of all three). The first is the Good Girl who is full of self-contempt. I instantly identified with being full of self-contempt, but not with being the Good Girl. I used to be. I am again. But in between where I used to be and where I am is a Whole Other World. And playing The Good Girl card kind of makes me snort laughter out of my nostrils to the point my nose hairs burn. Literally.

Yet the other two options get into contempt of others, and I knew straight off that didn’t apply to me. I almost didn’t even read it at all because it went on and on for paragraphs and pages and I knew it didn’t apply. I love people – I love everyone. I even love people who are mean to me. I am far more forgiving and accepting of others, with all their flaws and inconsistencies, than I ever am for myself. I am kind and loving, I collect people in my life, for goodness sake! I forgive people, I extend grace, I help people…. I ran through my head listing off hundreds of people, and I came back with a 0% register of contempt directed at anyone on the planet. Not even my brother, for crying out loud.

But I read it anyway, in case it would put me asleep. Because it was certainly bedtime by this point. And then something started happening - images started creeping into my brain. The boyfriend I broke up with and every time I looked at him I wanted to choke him and I couldn’t hardly even bear to look at him at all anymore and so I made fun of him to my friends about how is head bobbed and his teeth bucked whenever he told a story, like a bobble head you mount on your dashboard. The boyfriend I broke up with but he was my roommate and every morning I had to sit there and watch him self-righteously cross-legged in his Capri pajama pants eating his breakfast cereal and I wanted to pick up his cereal bowl and smash it and break it in his smug face. I couldn’t even look at him eat and had to leave the house. I told one of my other roommates how I felt, and of what I remember his reaction was, “Wow, Ami. {giggling an uncomfortable, rather horrified giggle, incredulous at my level of vindication}. He’s just eating cereal. A boy’s gotta eat.” The boyfriend I couldn’t even meet or text or talk to on the phone or email or look in the eye…… Well, there was a big panic attack around that one….. So maybe it isn’t 100% across the board. Maybe it’s not a one size fits all sort of thing. But it’s there.

Now I don’t sound like such a nice, friendly, outgoing, kind Christian girl, do I? I sound…. Hateful.

So anyway, to avoid my self-contempt road, I don’t know where it comes from, but I do have contempt for others. Not just any Joe or Josie walking down the street, not strangers or politicians, but for certain men in my life, it’s there. And I see that that can’t be super beneficial if a girl ever really wanted to have a relationship. I don’t know how you solve that, but I’ve identified it, anyway.

I wonder if I did that with my husbands? I don’t know the answer to that one yet. So I’m going to 
stop here. Without a proper conclusion or answer or reflection or even Bible verse.


After I wrote this I sent my rough draft to a dear friend of mine, and then went to read my daily Bible reading. I didn’t really want to, but I was already two days behind, and with the Christmas holiday looming, I know it’s only going to get more difficult to stay caught up.

Can you imagine what popped up in my daily reading? My Psalm. Psalm 139. I smiled a big old smile and sat back in the couch and just felt so personally cared for by the God of the Entire Universe and All Time and Space. Earlier today my friend asked me, after I commented that I used to think doing something I don’t do anymore was just part of who I was, “And now what do you think about who you are?” And I replied, making a joke (kind of) with song lyrics, “I’m the child of the One True King.” I didn’t know how to answer the question. But you know what? I *am* the child of the One True King. And who can do any better than that?

He wrote the conclusion to this for me. 

Sunday, December 20, 2015

My Wish List for You

Lights are twinkling on all of the houses
Carols swirl throughout the air
Everyone is rushing, getting ready
Laughing and twirling without a care.
Yet my heart aches for you -
You who have a loved one who isn’t there.

All around you the world still bustles
Getting ready for the big Christmas Day
The world doesn’t miss a breath or a heartbeat,
It continues on in its very same state.
People hurrying to get more perfect gifts,
Seemingly not seeing you along their perfect way.

Your mailbox fills with Christmas greetings
Smiling faces so full of cheer
Form letters telling of all their successes,
Little mention (if any) of your loss or of your crappy year.
Maybe the letters are all piling up still unopened -
And you silently decorate the mountain with tears.

They don’t see your world is painfully idle
Or in quiet motion, moving at sickening slow pace
They don’t see you trying to survive only this day or this hour –
That what you could use right now is just one ounce of mercy or grace.
Sitting there, yearning for things to be different
Wishing you could defy the stupid physical laws of time and space.

You may see something in a shop window
That your loved one would have loved to have.
Maybe you completely lack the will power
To look in the boxes of decorations in the attic rack.
Maybe you do it, but just for the children,
And doing so rips your heart clean in half.

You wonder how Christmas can come -
How can Christmas still BE?
For you it’s all just full of bittersweet, painful memories.

I imagine maybe you feel unnoticed,
Invisible, overlooked, and perhaps out of place.
With emotions cascading, maybe tears flowing
Down a silent, empty, Christmasless face.
I just wanted to reach out my hand to you
Even hold your heart in a sweet embrace.

I wanted to tell you that you are not forgotten –
You’re loved, and prayed for, right where you are.
You’re surrounded in love, even though you can’t see it,
The love that’s around you extends from afar.
I envision your loved one at the feet of the angels
Worshiping our Lord in the most glorious song.

They are experiencing Jesus in every blessed breath now.
What Christmas is – they have and they know.
My prayer for *you* is that He can also touch your heart -
To heal it, and hold it, and even help it to grow.
That right there is my Wish List for you:

That you will let Him love you all the way through.