

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Restoration - A Rhyme

We are going to post a little poetry today, which has very little (all right, nothing) to do with Edith. And has everything to do with a really cool dream I had about 3 months ago. Enjoy!

The builder looked at the old church with care
Skillfully eyeing the structure, the wear
She saw it was rotten as if from within
But she wasn't perplexed, in fact, she was confident in
Her ability to make this wonderful structure like new.
Methodically she inspected each board for true
With patience and love, a desire to not only repair
But to perfect the great building was her humble prayer
She skillfully, tenderly replaced all of the rotten
So if one had not seen it, it was completely forgotten.
Next the builder designed and put systems in place
To ensure that the work would never again be debased
By wear, by weather, by leaks, or by light
It had to be perfect, it had to be right
For this was God's house, God's church for His people
The builder had pure awe, from the pews to the steeple

Here is where the dream beautifully shifted
The builder was somehow supernaturally lifted
Out of the builder role and into that of the structure.
God took her hand in His, gently He loved her,
The Lord the Creator of all space and time
In this moment held her, ignoring her grime,
Yes, He saw she was rotten, He saw her disgrace,
Yet He tenderly touched her, then set her in place.

Then He stepped back to admire His best
I could hear His whisper on the cusps of His breath
He cupped His hands to His mouth and tenderly blew
He said, "Child, I knew you before the first cell of you grew
And I've loved you and held you your entire life through
Yes, you took care when you restored this church
But do you know what to Me has value? Has worth?
How much more, my child, will I restore you
How much more will I work in your heart to renew
For you are my church, my dear, my beloved, my child
Not these timbers and beams, not these walls, not these spires
And I see your beauty that I've wonderfully made.
I see a woman who is triumphant and brave.
What I cherish above all is you.
The you that I made. The you that I always knew."

Oh, how at that moment, I peacefully slept,
And then upon waking, I openly wept.
This builder heard. This child knew.
His words will echo to me my entire life through:
"My child, my child! How much more will I restore you?"

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