

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Freaking Manna and Meat - And The Next 40 Years

I think I’ve mentioned before that I get frustrated because I feel like I ask God questions, and I feel like I’m listening and waiting, and I’m greeted with a big resounding silence. I feel if He would speak up from time to time, when I ask, He might save me, and subsequently others, a lot of pain. Do I expect the clouds to part and a big booming voice out of the sky? Not exactly, but that would be nice. I do feel like I’m trying to listen. I know in the past I’ve been guilty of not hearing what I don’t want to hear, but I really don’t feel like that’s in the space I’m in now. I really do want to know. And the more I don’t know, the more willing I am to tell God I’ll accept whatever the answer is, but the more I don’t hear.

How does God talk to us? I think He can talk to us through others. I’ve had him talk to me a few awesome cool times in a dream like crossed with a blatant reality state (see my post on Restoration). That would be superb - for that to happen again! {In fact, honestly, every time I doubt myself about my belief, I remember that moment suspended in time when He plainly spoke to me, and I KNOW. You might think I just made a rhyme, but that for real totally happened.} I also feel He talks to us by bringing things repeatedly to our attention – in the past year by bringing random scriptures to my attention multiple times in a week or in a day.

So today at lunch somehow my brother and I end up talking about the Jews, and how they were God’s Chosen people, but how many of them do not accept Christ and thus while chosen, the won’t be with God. Scott was saying some people think they’ll be with God no matter what they do because He chose them, and how others (including me) do not, unless they put their faith in Jesus. Anyway, I was saying how even before Christ, the Chosen Jews were never happy or satisfied or trusting in God. I threw out there as an example that God gave them manna when they were starving, but they whined about that even, saying they wanted meat. Then He gave them meat, and they were still whining. Why would he CHOOSE people like THAT?

On the drive home I texted my youth pastor, because I had a bit of free time, and I wanted to talk to him about some heavy concerns I have about non-related items, and he says cool, come on. So then, (I know, I’m driving, but I was out of the No Phone Zone) I think I better open up the lesson for tonight so I know what we are talking about when I get to youth group. I read the question and see the Bible reference is Exodus 16. I really step out of my regular realm and actually look up the verses in advance instead of while we are in the lesson like I usually do. Do you know what Exodus 16 is about? FREAKING MEAT AND MANNA.

I got angry. I literally yelled out loud – I’m sure the neighboring cars were delighted. I think my exact words were something like this: “Really, God? REALLY? I’m asking you to talk to me and that’s what you’ve got? Manna and meat? You have got to be freaking kidding me!” And the more I think about it, the madder I get. Why does God have to be cryptic? Yes, I yell that out too. Yes, I’m crazy. Why does everything, everything, have to be a riddle? I am asking directly. Why isn’t He telling me directly? What’s with the parables? I get angrier and angrier.

I try to take a calm step back (still wearing my boxing gloves). I try to apply it to my current quandary. Okay, so obviously, I’m not satisfied with what He’s given me. What’s that mean? That the man I’m seeing He has given me and I just can’t accept it and be satisfied and I have to go nosing around for a different one? Or the fact that I’m seeking a man at all, when He’s already given me a great job, and awesome daughter, a beautiful home, incredible friends, good health – the bills are paid and we are blessed beyond measure? Which one? How am I supposed to know? He answers a question with a question? I tell Him, if you never want me to have a man, if that is not your plan, THEN JUST TELL ME. I’ll accept it. JUST TELL ME. Open up the bloody sky and shout it down upon me. I'm ready. And it’s taken me a long time to come around to telling Him I’ll accept it. But I will. Because I’m so tired of this merry-go-round. If it’s not in His Plan, then it’s not in His Plan. Just tell me what the plan is. All I’m asking – I’ll accept it.

I’ll accept it. But I’m angry.

By the time I get to Reverend RSTLNE’s office (he recently tried out for Wheel of Fortune and he needs a New Name), what I wanted to talk about in the first place was long lost. I was angry to the point of wanting to scream, and since that’s socially unacceptable, here come the tears. I couldn’t stop them. And he’s the one that wrote the stupid lesson in the first place, so he deserves this. Over quite a few tears I spilled it out. Patting my face with a McDonald’s napkin (only pastor ever lacking in Kleenex apparently). All of it – well, a lot of it. Enough of it. The anger paint got splattered on the Reverend's wall and ran down it.

And Mr. RSTLNE thinks I already know the application. Sigh. Why is it so easy for others to see and not for me to see? It comes down to this though, skipping a few measures now….. I don’t think that what God is telling me to wait for even exists. I don’t think He can do it. Or more likely He could do it, He just won’t do it. To punish me. Because I screwed it all up. Because I disobeyed. Because I made poor choices. Because I didn’t listen. And so here’s my due desserts.

Later I talked to the guy I’ve been seeing and told him I couldn’t do this – this relationship. He was going to get hurt and I was going to get hurt, and I didn’t want to put either of us through that. I used cliché lines, like “it isn’t you, it’s me” and “I really still want to be friends.” I felt I owed him an explanation – because he is HOT and sweet and kind and patient and fun and a good dancer. I told him that quite a few years back I was living life my way, dating or whatever I was doing my way, and I kept falling flatter and flatter on my own face. Over quite a few face splatters (not just one or two), God and I had a slow talk. The end result was that I realized my way was obviously not working at all, and I’d never really even tried it His way. I committed to doing it His way – thinking in 12 months I’d have my just reward for my sacrifice. That was 3.5 years ago. In 2015, at 40 years old, the way I’m doing things is pretty weird. But I’m still trying to walk that. It’s hard. I believe the man is supposed to be the spiritual leader in a home – I want someone who will lead, who I can submit to. But if I date someone who is not committed to the same agenda, to obedience to the same God, then I am leading, and I’m the only one drawing a line in the sand, and I will fail. So I want a man who will lead – who will draw lines in the sand – and drink beer.

100 years ago what I was seeking was completely normal and expected. But now, I’m a religious zealot. I mean, that’s completely cray-cray in the USA in 2015 when you’re 40.

So there you have it. The Israelites wandered for 40 years and then 40 years again.

So now I’m on the next 40 years.

I am *so* encouraged by that. I should be a petrified raisin by then. Without getting too graphic.

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